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The message you intend sending should determine the size, the paper weight, cost/ budget, quantities and not forgetting the printer we will select on your behalf. Why is the paper size important? Because, once understood, minimizing the amount of wasted space on a sheet and maximising the print coverage will save costs.

Paper Sizes
Different Paper Sizes:

 Size Length  Width 
 A1 594  841 
 A2 420  594 
 A3 297  420 
 A4  210 297 
 A5  148 210 
 A6  105 148 
 A7  74 105 
 A8  52 74 
 A9  37 52 
 A10  26 37 

The Paper sizes above are termed the international paper standard ISO 216. It is based on the aspect ratio of the square root of 2. Or put simply, the paper is halved length-ways. e.g. An A4 sheet of paper folded in half is A5. Therefore A4 gives you 2 x A5’s.

An A3 sheet folded in half will give you an A4. Fold that in half again and it is A5. Therefore A3 gives you 4 x A5’s. Most digital printers print up to A3. Most Litho printers have either an A1 machine or an A2 machine. Therefore when we look at a common product like an A5 flyer (210 x 148 mm) – If we use a printer that takes a print size paper of A2 we will get eight A5 flyers on one sheet.

If we use a printer that takes a print size paper of A1 (610 x 860 mm) we will get sixteen A5 flyers on one sheet.

Depending on the quantities required the choice of printer size will determine the price. In other words if you required 100,000 flyers it would be more cost effective to use the A1 printer - you would have a shorter print run because more flyers can be fitted on the bigger paper sheet. The same quantity of ink will be used. The same quantity of paper will be used (bigger sheets, but half the number still equals the same area of paper). LESS TIME printing. LESS TIME = LESS MONEY = MONEY SAVED BY YOU.

PAPER WEIGHT (measured in grams per square metre (gsm)
  • A6, A5 & DL Flyers/leaflets between 90 gsm to 115 gsm if printed on both sides then 115 gsm
  • A4 Flyers/leaflets between 115 gsm to 150 gsm if printed on both sides a minimum of 135 gsm should be used.
  • DL Flyers/leaflets Z fold (210 x 297 mm folded to 210 x 99 mm) between 135 gsm to 170 gsm
With brochures & magazines there are a multiple of acceptable choices from the A6 to A4;
  • DL & A6 The cover on 150 gsm and the inside pages of 135 gsm
  • A5 & A4 The cover on 170 gsn and the inside pages from 135 to 150 gsm
Besides paper weights there is a large variations of paper types which we will advise you depending on the application and budget.

Why is the paper size important? Because, once understood, minimizing the amount of wasted space on a sheet and maximising the print coverage will save costs.